I don't know about the worst century or not, but that dude looks mighty cool sitting on top of that horse there!
Devils Advocate
JoinedPosts by Devils Advocate
World's Worst Century?
by City Fan in.
with events in iraq seemingly going from bad to worse, and with what i see as an increasing number of end-time 'prophets' posting on this board, i thought i would bring this programme to everyone's attention.
it may put today's events into perspective compared to some of histories more turbulent times.. would anyone here rather go back and live in the 14th century?.
If Something Bad Happens To A JW, Are You Happy?
by minimus inevery so often, i read that some posters have such contempt for jehovah's witnesses, that they are happy when they hear that one died or suffered from cancer or some other disease or tragedy.
they rationalize things by saying, "jws are so corrupt that getting rid of them in any way is good!".
or, "i'm glad that this bad thing happened to them.
Devils Advocate
Of course so many people merely skimmed over what was actually written and instead began patting themsevles on the back about being so much more loving and mature than those who didn't carry on with the politically correct line.
And now, once again, people are lining up to do more back patting. -
If Something Bad Happens To A JW, Are You Happy?
by minimus inevery so often, i read that some posters have such contempt for jehovah's witnesses, that they are happy when they hear that one died or suffered from cancer or some other disease or tragedy.
they rationalize things by saying, "jws are so corrupt that getting rid of them in any way is good!".
or, "i'm glad that this bad thing happened to them.
Devils Advocate
What actually was said (by several posters, myself included) was that none of us are happy, giddy, or jumping for joy when a JW dies -- but we are glad that their infulence and preaching activity will not infect anyone else.
The Awake's Lying Image of Witnesses (Oct 22)
by metatron inif you didn't know that the watchtower society published the awake magazine, you might.
think it was published by some semi-liberal born again group.
doesn't give a realistic representation of most witness families i'm aware of.. .
Devils Advocate
Garybus -
Are you certain you and I aren't cloned siblings? I mean, it sounds like your parents and my parents were one in the same! I'm a tad younger than you and a whole lot better looking but the similarities are too eery to ignore! LOL -
JW foul play.
by avishai inwhat instances do you know of jw crime, particularly jw on jw or jw on xjw?.
i know of several instances.
my own po, elder grandfather ripped off tons of dubs.
Devils Advocate
Only thing that I know of that was illegal was when a very quietly homosexual JW, who was also a weatlthy farmer and landowner, adopted a pre-teenage "son" to live with him. He raised the boy as his own but used him as a sexual toy. The elders in the congregation were alerted to this (as the JW also had a live-in adult lover and news of their activities was somewhat common knowledge) but due to the amount of money this man controlled the elders swept it under the rug.
by Lostreality inhow did you go from celebrating no holidays, to celebrating them?
what changes did you make in your household to accomodate this change?
Devils Advocate
I feel left out at Christmas time because I didn't get any gifts as a child and it feels like I have a void in what should have been a safe, comfortable, normal childhood. It's like I'm going thru the motions w/o understanding it fully. With my three kids I usually shower them lots and lots of gifts and that's exciting but I find myself saying "bah-humbuh" alot. Thank god for hot tea and rum.
A new spin on an old perible
by meggidon555 inone day a man was driving down a hiway and saw a car broke down.
he stops to help to help.
but it was a trap the robber beats him up leaves him for dead takes all his money and steals his car.. men while a christian drive by does nothing, a jew drives by nothing, a muslim ditto,.
Devils Advocate
It all depends on whether the reader believes in Biblical mythology or not.
From the fundamental Christian viewpoint:
John 3:5: "Jesus answered, ?I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.'"
Mark 16:16 ?He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.?
JOHN 3:15 ?That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. -
Threw Away My Last JC Penny's Suit Tonight...
by Confucious inkind of a milestone of sorts.
not that there is anything wrong with a jc penny's suit.
it's just that this was the "status quo" kind.
Devils Advocate
My nutsack? They probably would have wanted to inspect it and I don't think I'd liked that scene! LOL
How were you love-bombed??????????
by BLISSISIGNORANCE insome of the ways i was love-bombed were,sisters fussing over the kidsbrothers helping me move housetaking the kids at meetings and helping them look through the biblebeing invited to gatheringsalways having people talking to me after the meetingssisters dropping in through the day for visits (didn't know they counted time until i was baptized)being given thingsgetting soooooooo much attention, especially when the co visitedsisters offering to come to court with me (re.
divorce)having the co invited on my study wwwwooooo hhhoooooo.
all the above came to an abrupt end when i had the baby, lost weight and got baptized.. so how were you love bombed?.
Devils Advocate
I must have hid under a rock because I didn't realize JW's love bombed prospective converts. But that's what happens when youre born into the LIE I guess.
Threw Away My Last JC Penny's Suit Tonight...
by Confucious inkind of a milestone of sorts.
not that there is anything wrong with a jc penny's suit.
it's just that this was the "status quo" kind.
Devils Advocate
I remember when the elders hauled me into the back room of the KH to counsel me on my oh-so worldly ear ring in my left ear, they reminded me that JW's don't follow fads or fashion trends. I reminded them that the suits they wore were similar in style to those of the big haired t.v. preachers. They didnt' like that idea and the conversation went down hill from there -- another story for another day -- but I chuckle when I think of the look on their faces when I dared throw out a rebuttal. Actually I rebutted everything they said, and threw in a few adult words to boot, in a snobbish tone and air which added to the hilarity of the scene.
That was back in the 80's when everyone dressed preppy and I did my part. I kind of miss those fashions actually. Not into bluejeans that show my underwear.